Information to Authors

The Faculty of Medicine, University of Jaffna invites papers in biomedical, clinical, and health professions’ education researches for the Research Conference of Faculty of Medicine, Jaffna 2024 (RCFMJ 2024).

1. The submitted paper should not have been published elsewhere or currently under review.
2. Studies should have obtained ethics approval and should be able to submit if requested.
3. Structure of the paper

3.1. The paper should have the following components

3.1.1. Abstract
3.1.2. Introduction
3.1.3. Methods
3.1.4. Results
3.1.5. Discussion (without subheadings)
3.1.6. Acknowledgement
3,1,7, Conflict of interest
3.1.8. References

3.2. Title: Follow the English grammar rules for capitalization; Capitalize only the first word of the title and proper nouns. Character limit = 150 (including spaces).
3.3. Author(s) surname(s) should be followed by initial(s)
3.4. Affiliation: Authors’ professional affiliations in the order in which the authors’ names are given (indicated by superscript Arabic numerals).
3.5. Please underline the name of the corresponding author.
3.6. Abstract text is limited to a maximum of 250 words. Abstracts should be structured as follows:

  • Background and objective
  • Methods
  • Results
  • Conclusions
  • Keywords not exceeding 5

3.7. The word limit for the main text is 1000-1500 (excluding abstract).
3.8. Tables and figures

  • Tables should be in editable format (Word).
  • Tables and figures should be numbered with Arabic numericals in the order they are cited in the text.  
  • Place the table number and heading above the table.
  • Place the figure number and caption below the figure.

4. References

  • References should be listed and cited as per Vancouver referencing style.
  • Number of references is 10-15.

5. Please keep the acknowledgment brief.
6. All the authors should declare their conflict of interest.
7. Format: MS Word document

  • Font: Times New Roman
  • Font size: 12, single line spacing
  • Title: Bold letters
  • Affiliations: Font size 10; in italics 
  • All the pages should be numbered

8. The manuscript should be submitted electronically to the following email
The scientific committee of the RCFMJ 2024 will communicate only with the corresponding author. The corresponding author is responsible for informing the comments and decisions on the manuscript to co-authors and providing correct information of the co-authors (names, affiliations, and conflicts of interest).
9. If the paper is accepted

  • the corresponding author or one of the co-authors available to present the paper at the conference.
  • the presenting author should register for the conference.
  • manuscript may be subjected to language editing to improve the presentation.

10. You may be an author for more than one paper. However, one author can present a MAXIMUM of two (02) papers at the free paper sessions.